MWC Barcelona 2022
MWC Barcelona is an annual trade show organized and run by the GSMA, primarily focusing on the mobile communications industry. The event, held in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Via, is attended by established companies, startups, investors, and industry leaders within the device manufacturing, network provider, wireless carrier, and similar industries.
We’ve aggregated all 1300+ exhibitors at MWC Barcelona 2022 and their associated data into this report for you to interact with through dynamic company profiles and graphs. The report includes data from MWC, Crunchbase, Owler, SimilarWeb, and Clearbit. We designed the MWC Barcelona 2022 Startups report so it’s easy to find the companies that most interest you.
Click on numbers within the category chart (below) to quickly view startups by interest areas like 5G, IoT, Device Hardware/Software, and more. Click the tabs (above) to view automatically updated data on the startups including categories, location, funding, and more.